This poem is actually called a crabbit old woman and also known as look closer nurse. It was written by Phyllis Funny WKRP-Turkey-Drop TShirt a nurse, in the 1960s but ever since urban legend has ascribed it to many others, as in this case, an old man. Just so you all know Matt and I have witnessed many challenging stories over the last 6 months, and met a lot of very strong people. It is an interesting twist to your life when you see more people fighting physical battles than those that are not. It is definitely an entirely different world.The name of our new shoe company is my first and middle name, but I especially named it after my great grandmother Santa Casessa and her my grandmother. They were Italian immigrants who came to America in 1909 when my grandmother was four years old, directly following the massive Messina earthquake in December of the previous year.This earthquake killed more than 200,000 people, decimating the cities of Messina and Calabria and much of that coast of Sicily. A resulting tidal wave actually swept my and their little family out to sea from where they lived in Palermo. The story goes that my grandfather Guiseppe secured his wife and children to their overturned kitchen table.