The Vaccinate hpv measles tuberculosis pneumococcal shirt


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Product Description

The Vaccinate hpv measles tuberculosis pneumococcal shirt

A person with a 12 million dollar net worth making 3 million a year does a crappy news piece on how a presidential front runner now has money and is playing by the present rules of the society he would like to see change while clearly ignoring how much of a net gain was attributed to books. Yes multiple books correlated in name recognition sales. Bernie calls for the rich to pay more in taxes, not all of their net worth. Hack job journalism with opinion pieces is not news, take your crap. I don’t care if he’s a The Vaccinate hpv measles tuberculosis pneumococcal shirt or not it’s just that he has always presented an image of modest means.

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He was evasive or The Vaccinate hpv measles tuberculosis pneumococcal shirt about any interest in his and his wife’s circumstances! Seems somewhat slanted, the guy never said he was a street person. 3 million really isn’t much compared to idiots like and his corporate minions who take in billions off the backs of the American worker. The argument is not to eliminate millionaires and billionaires, but making sure they pay there fair share of taxes.

They lobby to write The Vaccinate hpv measles tuberculosis pneumococcal shirt to enable them to suck up 98% of the wealth. Greed is not a virtue. I hope Bernie becomes a billionaire, and I still vote for him, as long as he paid his fair share of taxes. So we’re just going to run all our potential candidates thru the mud? There is nothing wrong with Bernie making money. Keep it up and we’ll have more of the same for two terms instead of one!


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