Everest that is the English language, there are Official Buffalo Plaid Christmas Glass of Leopard Wine With Santa Hat tshirt. Keep learning English, don’t give up. You already speak another language so think of English as your second friend. Don’t fear it and don’t be intimidated by it. Like a friend, it is there to support you, to help you get to your university of choice. I wish you success in your future endeavours! I hope they can differentiate between the ones and the bad ones. How can humans be so arrogant to think we are the smart ones on earth. Frankly, I think we are the dumb ones, look what we are doing to this precious planet. Timothy, do you think 1 man is your shark? It’s your entire history, displacement of indengineous people, aggressive capitalist adherence and military expenditure that is run by greedy corporations that is the issue. Pinning it all on 1 man? C’mon mate, so obtuse it’s unbelievable. I’ve seen humpback whales whilst on a trip to Australia, they swim alongside the tourist boat and look straight at us leaning over, everyone was encouraged to make as much noise as possible to invite them to meet us and say hello!, it was a great day, one I’ll never forget.