Ursula The Little Mermaid poor unfortunate souls shirt
God bless you and heal Ursula The Little Mermaid poor unfortunate souls shirt. May you live without worry and fear and instead with love and peace in your heart. Why do non-believers insert their disbelief into another person’s hope? This person is sick you piss poor excuse for a living human being! Keep your ignorance and your mean spirited words to yourself! If you’re not here to encourage, then keep scrolling on! You sound ignorant as all hell. Go read a book somewhere so you can carry a more intellectual conversation about matters you know nothing about. If you’ve watched the clip you will realize that he has already ‘found’ Jesus. Everything that Jake Bailey says in this video is describing, to a tee, how Jesus told us all to live in order to live in line with our purpose and our existence on earth. He is already ‘healed’.
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Best Ursula The Little Mermaid poor unfortunate souls shirt
Through his understanding of the Ursula The Little Mermaid poor unfortunate souls shirt for his trip to earth this time around. I would say he is more alive than 99.9% of the people watching this video and has found the true meaning of ‘eternal life. If Jesus really did heal people of their real, physical ills then why does he choose to heal some and not others? Because it is all allegorical and to be interpreted as a deeper, more spiritual level. All the other people going thru the same shit die all the time all over the world. So what about them? I guess “it was just their time”! Religion is crazy, people are crazy, the world is crazy! And it’s a lot crazier when you have people say and do crazier shit in the name of religion! Earth is approx 4 billion years old and you think you or your book of crazy shit that is over 2000 years old has all the answers.
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