How is that actually working out for you? Meanwhile, there is someone out Snoopy I took a DNA test and God is my father shirt  there actually whooping their child until welts appear, and you and your great advice is nowhere to be found. See what I did there? Help those who actually need help! But it appears that you are more interested in winning an argument than actually helping an abused child. Nice try at attacking though, gotta love the internet experts! So I will make you put up with it, by having a look at the best Star Wars t-shirts of all time, to which I also added some very recent ones that I would love to include in my geeky wardrobe.If you’re a guy, you don’t want to hear about it, try to avoid it as much as possible and get anxious when thinking about organizing one. Ladies, you are usually excited and take it as a life-time challenge to make it perfect, to make it different than that of your friends. Well, that may sound cliche, but it’s how things generally go. Wedding planning is either great or dreadful.And, as always, we’re here to help you out with the details. Wedding invitations are a big deal as well. That’s what designers seem to think too, because there are plenty of free wedding invitations that artist all over the world constantly create and offer them to the public. We selected some of the best for your special day.