From Cummings to bardcore: this week’s fashion trends

From Cummings to bardcore: this week’s fashion trends

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What’s hot and what’s most definitely not in fashion this week

Going up
Cummings collar Forget the political adviser’s creased white shirt. We’re into his new Spitting Image styling with a Ming the Merciless popped collar.

French bob The most requested style since hairdressers reopened. See Anna Karina in Vivre Sa Vie or current favourite, Marc Jacobs.

Beyoncé’s Black is King jigsaw
How is it possible for an item to be peak summer 2020 but still properly great? Such is the genius of Bey.

Wine windows Plague-era method of selling alcohol through a window, updated with ice-cream for the current pandemic.

Floafers Loafers that… float? We’re actually into them.

Going down
Hawaiian shirts Garish even before they were co-opted by the alt-right. We’re about camp collar (wide, unstructured) shirts this summer.

Boob or bust The needle of shame has landed on our decolletage. Sales of bust-firming cream are on the up. Cheers, Zoom.

Ocado Sick of not getting a slot. We’re ordering online BBQ packs. Try Smokestak’s smoked meat in a box.

Baseball caps Simply not enough coverage. We prefer the wider Patagonia brimmer and NE Blake cricket hat.

Bardcore Internet trend for medieval versions of pop songs – not in a funny way. Haven’t we been through enough?

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